English & Communication

HCC's English & Communication Programs offers students the chance to develop careers in Communication, English, Interpreting/Sign Language, and Speech, all designed to provide the educational foundation needed to become successful, college-level students.

English & Communication Programs


Communication is an invaluable tool, whether you're specialilzing in advertising, public relations, journalism, mass media communication, radio & television broadcasting or speech communication. Read more »



The HCC English Program offers a diverse range of courses, including Composition I and II, dedicated to teaching college-level writing, literature courses in all genres and periods, and creative writing courses that explore multiple genres. Read more »


Interpreting/Sign Language

The curriculum for the Sign Language Program is a two-year course of study that prepares students for employment in the interpreting profession. Read more »



Learn the basic principles of oral communication, including the study of the use of the body and voice, the speaker-listener relationship, and preparation and delivery of platform speeches. Read more »